My disc brakes are squeaking! Why is this happening and what can I do to stop it?
Disc brakes can squeak due to a high amount of vibration in the brakes components, which can be caused by a few different things.
First, you can check for the good condition and proper assembly of the disc brake rotor, caliper, and pads. Ensure that all mounting screws are tight and that the rotor is spinning straight and true. If your rotor is bent, please reach out to our support team for assistance! Check to see that the rotor is centered in the caliper and that there is enough space on either side between the pad and the rotor.
A common cause of squeaking is contaminated disc rotors or brake pads. Oil from bike grease or our hands can cover the breaking surfaces and harm the performance of brakes, including causing a squeaking noise. Cleaning your rotors and/or pads with a mild cleaner can be a good place to start. If the issue persists, replacing the brake pads may be necessary.
Lastly, the brake pads can become glazed over if they get too hot from friction during braking. Evidence of this is a shiny braking surface on the pads. It is possible to file or sand a small layer off of the pad surface to remove the glaze, but otherwise, a pad replacement may be needed.
If none of these issues seem present, then a simple brake alignment may help. Here is a great resource on mechanical disc brakes:
For hydraulic disc brake alignment, please refer to this resource:
As always, we recommend going to a bike shop if you are uncomfortable trying any maintenance or repair yourself. Brake adjustments are considered part of the assembly process, or normal wear and tear as the bike ages, and adjustments at a bike shop are not covered by warranty.